Learning Technology Initiative

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The NASPO ValuePoint Learning Technology Initiative contract, modeled on the Maine Learning Technology Initiative, is a program to put a portable computing device in the hands of every student in a participating entity's schools on a ONE-TO-ONE (1:1) basis. Every student in a grade level or school has the same type of device (either a laptop or a tablet depending on the option chosen in the Participating Addendum). Both Microsoft Windows-based and Apple products are available. The program includes having wireless networks set up in participating schools, so that classrooms can maximize internet resources, as needed. This is a “seat contract” with many services included, you are NOT simply purchasing computers for students (not that that would be “simple” either). You are contracting for EVERY student to have a fully functional device EVERY day (whether it be only for the school day, all school year long, or all year long including the summer – all of these options are available). The “seat contract” includes SPARE DEVICES set at either 2% or 3% (depending on the provider) of the school's user population. Spares are important, in order to keep the program working. For example, if Jimmy's device breaks in math class, then on that same day (perhaps even in the same hour) he can swap it through a school's technical specialist (or any designated person) for a fully functional device – and keep learning. There is a warranty for normal wear and tear, and a REPAIR PROCESS to keep all the devices functioning – all including within the “seat contract” price. The solutions proposed also include strategies to mitigate accidental damage (e.g. spilled drink on device), but that option is purchased at an additional cost. The devices include SOFTWARE and OPERATING SYSTEM ASSURANCE within the “seat contract”. This is provided in order to keep the devices current during the life of the contract. For example, if Windows 8 becomes Windows 9, 10, or 11, then the latest operating system will be provided. It is important to note, though, that these changes are only made if they affect the delivery of the program or how the device functions within the program's requirements. In addition to students, teachers also benefit from the program. Teachers receive devices at the same student “seat contract” cost, with the same applications and functionality (or more) as the student devices. Participating entities may opt to purchase additional devices for teachers that do not have one-to-one programs in their classes at the same “seat contract” cost. The program creates EQUITY of DEVICE in the classroom. Everyone has the same device, so there are no interface, appearance, or process issues.

Participating Addenda (2)

Download Participating Addenda

    Lead State

    • Maine
      Michelle Fournier
      (207) 624-8868
    • Awarded:
    • Expiration:
    • Renewals Limit:
    • NASPO Cooperative Portfolio Manager
