Fire Trucks and Fire Apparatus

Pierce Manufacturing Inc.

Pierce Manufacturing Inc. has been awarded Master Agreement #8200060944 for the following categories of Fire Trucks at a discount off retail price. The discount also applies to all options available for each category of Fire Truck.

Ladder 0-94
Ladder 95’+
Platform 86’+
Tiller (Tractor drawn Aerial)

Custom Pumper
Commercial Pumper
Rescue Pumper
Brush Truck

Tanker & Rescue
Custom Walk-in
Custom Non Walk-in
Commercial Walk-in
Commercial Non Walk-in

Type 3

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Please refer to the master agreement for a specific manufacturer, and to the participating addendum for any specific participating entity for instructions on placing orders.

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Contractor Contact

Carol Frank
(920) 832-3218

Awarded Expiration Renewal Limit
01/28/2022 12/31/2024 12/31/2024